Have you mastered bicycle crunches? If so, here’s A TWIST ? on your traditional bicycle crunches…Tricycle Crunches! ?
A set of 20 – 30 reps total is sure to set your core on fire! Try out 3 rounds
Lift both legs off the ground and extend one leg fully, while drawing in the other knee towards your chest . Keep your chin lifted (imagine holding an apple under your chin), shoulders off the ground, light fingertips behind your ears to keep from straining your neck, and your elbows wide to encourage more rotation to engage your obliques more. Complete three rotations on one side, pause for one second, then repeat the movement on other side. When you’re pedaling your legs, imagine that you’re “reverse” pedaling to encourage the hip tilt towards your body to engage your lower core. Draw those legs straight in and out! Be strong and in control with your tempo throughout these movements…that’s where the work happens! Make sure to breathe through your rotations! Now enjoy that core fire! ? #rg @maricrislapaix