Hi, I’m Maricris! I am a proud NASM Certified Personal Trainer with a passion for training YOU, the everyday athlete, to get stronger in the game of life! My background as a corporate worker, athlete, and model, in addition to working with celebrities, entrepreneurs, corporate workers and stay-at-home moms with unpredictable schedules, has inspired my adaptive coaching style. I’ve been blessed to be part of many lifestyle transformations, and can’t wait to be a part of yours!





“If you’re looking for that one person that will change your life, look within.” – unknown

“The universe is not outside of you. Look inside yourself; everything you want, you already are.” – Rumi

I absolutely love learning from others’ experiences to help expedite the time for me to reach my goals. And while there’s always something to learn, I have experienced burnout in the process. It’s as if I’ve reached a limit on learning another business strategy. I lose the motivation. And these experiences made me realize that when I reach that point, the work that has to be done next is within myself. I have to look to myself for answers. It’s probably why I loved school so much, and why I’m so coachable. It’s easier to be given instructions than figure it out myself. However, at the end of the day whether you’re in school, or you have a coach, the final work has to be done by you. For me, 2020 has been about getting to know myself more. Accepting my dreams and desires, and trusting myself to make the right moves for me. It’s about trusting the process, and everything that comes into my life as part of my journey, and I’m grateful for each moment. There’s no end destination. As we reach each goal, we will want to move on to the next desire. So with that in mind, it’s important to trust yourself for this journey of life. You’re the one who has to take each step. So the best thing you can do now is trust that you’re capable of whatever you desire. You can’t go wrong – have faith.