Hi, I’m Maricris! I am a proud NASM Certified Personal Trainer with a passion for training YOU, the everyday athlete, to get stronger in the game of life! My background as a corporate worker, athlete, and model, in addition to working with celebrities, entrepreneurs, corporate workers and stay-at-home moms with unpredictable schedules, has inspired my adaptive coaching style. I’ve been blessed to be part of many lifestyle transformations, and can’t wait to be a part of yours!





Real talk here! I want to share some of the insights and breakthroughs I’ve had recently, and how I’ve seen it’s relation within my business, personal life, and also my clients and their journey. When we really dive deep into looking at our goals and figuring out how to accomplish them, sometimes we become the ones who kill the dream. We get scared. So for example, I’ve competed at a high level for sports, but when there’s something I can’t do as well, I might hold back from participating in it. It’s scary to put myself in a position of not looking “athletic,” since that’s how I’ve been identified as for years. However, it sucks not trying new things if I’m actually intrigued by it, and I’m just holding myself back cause I’m scared of losing face. I find that this relates to my clients and their fitness journey. Especially my strong and powerful high level corporate workers and my moms who are the anchors of their family. If they haven’t had a fitness routine in years, it’s scary to think that they’ll now have to be vulnerable and take on a new journey. The underlying fear is actually being seen as “weak and incapable,” with the possibility of “failure.” And this is where they begin to question themselves…”Can I actually accomplish my goal?“ And then the excuses start to pile up as to “why it’s not the right time.” But we have to remember there is no failure, it’s just continuous evolvement and learning. The real question is, “am I ready to shed my old identity and step into my higher self?” When you’re looking to start something because you believe it’s a part of your values, it becomes a different experience. You become more willing to adjust and grow at a pace fit for you. You’re not trying to match anyone else’s journey, or an image of “perfection.” So ask yourself…when it comes to deciding on whether or not you want to start your fitness journey, are you making excuses for you, and stuck in maintaining a certain identity? Or are you ready to be kind to yourself and evolve and grow as it feels organic to you and your current needs and desires? We aren’t here to live in the past, we live for NOW.